In my dream this morning, 7/14/2020, I told a group of people gathered around me, “Prepare for tough times starting in two weeks!” In an earlier dream, same morning, we were informed that the authorities would be cutting off the water supply so we started filling up as many water jars as possible. When the water was suddenly cut off, we were not worried because we had plenty of water stored up. My advice to one and all is that…..
Could the Trump presidency be guaranteed for a second term despite all the odds? The Democrats are chomping at the bit, ready to take over the reins. They are rather confident that Trump will lose the 2020 presidential election and that they will finally be able to pick up from where Obama left off in 2016. Their reasoning? The American people will vote Trump out because of his ‘less than favorable’ response to the coronavirus pandemic and the civil unrest…..
Did you know? In just two more years, this world “as we know it” will come to an end as we usher in the most perilous time period that mankind will ever see upon the face of this earth! This timeline was given to me in a dream two years ago. Just to be absolutely clear, this is not a prediction about the end of the world but, the end of the world “as we know it.” There is a…..
My journey towards becoming a published author may not be unique but it is nonetheless, quite remarkable. Up until the time I started writing my first book, Beholding His Glory: A Journey Side by Side with Jesus, I had never once entertained the thought of ever becoming an author. The idea had never crossed my mind. So, how did I get started? The seed was planted in Bible Study one Sunday morning during the Fall of 2014. The Bible Study…..
You may be asking yourself the questions, “Why should I read The Joys of Heaven? What is in it for me?” The answer is very simple. The Joys of Heaven: Part 1: Faith For Change in America, and Part II: A Closer Walk with God, were given to me by God in a dream. In this dream in July 2016, the voice of Jesus came to me saying, “I have placed some books inside of you. You will need to…..
Three years ago, that is, in February 2015, in one of my dreams, Jesus appeared to my daughter and me. He moved at the speed of lightning and was in and out of our presence in a flash. He gave to each of us two crystal clear cylinder glasses of water along with the urgent command, “Quick! We need to get these to everyone in order for them to be caught up in the rapture!” This water is essentially the…..
In a conversation with Jesus in a dream just before I woke up on the morning of October 8, 2017, He said to me as we walked together along a lonely road, “1,020 days to go.” I understood then that this was in relation to a book which I had already published. This dream came just under two and a half months after the publishing of my new two-book series, “The Joys of Heaven.” Since The Joys of Heaven: Part 1: Every…..